We are now in a world of rapid change. Changes are amazing, that's what we experience from day to day. Would the world view of a dynamic and changing it is known by the name of modernity. Modernity itself is known to have three pillars. First, the human consciousness as the central fact, which is called subjectum. Second, the ratio of certain human as a source of knowledge and liberation, called the criticism. Third, people believe that the time will never recur, and history is always moving forward to a goal, which is called progress.
Departure from evolutionary journey, our first in hominisasi stages, ie stages of human life and the emergence of reflective consciousness, this stage is not just end there, because there is still the humanization of advanced stage, the stage where people develop themselves in and with culture. And. here we are, human beings of this era: living in a culture of modernity.
The third pillar of modernity and at first was born along with the emergence of the scientific revolution in the seventeenth century. Thought Isaac Newton and his colleagues raise not only the technology that drives the industrial revolution but also to foster individualism and rationalism in the public culture of the world. The most important doctrine of the Newtonian philosophy can be captured in the words of "atomism", "determinism", and "objectivity". Although there was abstract and distant, the concepts represented by the third term has touched the center of our existence.
Atomism is a view that our world is essentially composed of parts of the particles, which each isolated in space and time. The atoms can be hard and not infiltrated by the limits hard and moving fast: they can not enter each other, but are interconnected through action and reaction. They encourage each other or find ways to encourage each other or find ways to avoid each other. Jhon Locke, pioneer of liberal democracy of the eighth century using the atom as a model for individuals, which is the basic unit of society. Overall social buildings, he says, is just a fantasy, the individual's rights and needs of the most important and primary.
Atomism is also a major foundation of Freud's view Sigmud psychology and his theory of object relations. According to that theory, each of us isolated in the ego boundaries can not be penetrated, you are the object for me and I was the object for you. We can never know each other fundamentally. Love and intimacy is impossible. "The command to love thy neighbor as thyself love", says Freud, "is the command of the most impossible thing ever written." He believes that the whole world is just a projection of the value of the superego, the expectations of parents and the community. The values of such an impossible burden member detained by our egos and make us sick, who termed the 'neurotic'. Humans are really modern according to Freud, must be liberated from the expectations are unreasonable and follow perinsip-perinsip, like everyone just take care of themselves, only for the survival of the greatest and fastest, and so on.
Newtonian determinism teaches that the physical world governed by iron laws: the three laws of motion and the law of gravity. Everything in the physical world is predictable and therefore can be controlled. B must follow A in the same situation. There will be no surprises. Freud's determinism also include this into the 'scientific psychology' by stating that the new weak ego driven from below by dark forces instinct and aggression in the id, and pressed from above by the expectations of the impossible and the superego. Our experiences throughout life is determined entirely by the forces opposing it and the first five years of experience of our age.
We are the victims experience, poor audience in a play written by someone else, sociology and modern law has strengthened this feeling. Although most people probably know little of Newtonian determinism or id, ego and superego was Freud's statement that we terisolas, passive victims of forces greater than our strengths Sendir, that we are powerless to change our own lives , let alone change the world, has become an epidemic. We feel sorry, but do not know how to take responsibility.
Objectivity Newtonian (objectivism) has strengthened feelings of alienation and helplessness that. In building a new scientific method, Newton took a sharp dividing line between an observer (scientist) with what is observed. The world is divided into subject and object, the subject is that there is "in here", while the world "out there". Newtonian scientists are objective observer who only look at his world, weighing and measuring and experimenting on it. He is manipulating and controlling people and natural surroundings.
Living in a culture like this makes the average modern person experience that he seemed to be in the world, not part of the world. In this context, "the world" includes people, institutions, society, nature, and environment. The separation between the observer who observed Newtonian has made us feel that we are only here to do what is best for us according to our abilities. Again, it also causes us to not know how to take responsibility, do not know to whom and to what we should be responsible. We do not know how should we relate to others and do not know whether the values that should be achieved in a relationship.
Nature, as described by Newtonian scientists are cold, dead, and mechanical. There is no place in the Newtonian physics of the mind and consciousness, there is no place for aspects of human struggle. In fact, biological and social sciences developed in the nineteenth and twentieth also falls into this mechanism that describes the human, mind and body into a mechanical paradigm, we are thinking machine or machines genes, our body is a collection of parts, attitudes conditioned and we can predict, our soul is the illusion of the ancient religious language, and our thinking is limited to brain cell activity. In these images, where we can find our human experience: what distinguishes us human beings are not any other nature?
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